Integrated Executive Coaching, Psychotherapy & Consultancy

I support organisations to co-create happier heathier workplaces.

‘I would enthusiastically endorse Belinda for work as a mental health expert in an organisational context… The workshop created for us was well-structured, had clear aims and had the right breadth and depth of content for our needs…the workshop was delivered with clarity, humour, gravitas, and warmth – Belinda was very engaging’. 

                                                                                 Phil Hayes- Founder & Executive Coach – Management Futures.

In recent years, it has become increasingly clear that supporting employee mental health and wellbeing is crucial for organisations to thrive. It’s been well documented that poor attention to employee wellbeing, results in high levels of absenteeism, presenteeism. Not to mention, it can significantly impact the organisation’s financial bottom line. In fact, the cost of poor mental health to employers has risen 25% since 2019, now reaching a total of approximately £56 billion.

‘Many talented workers are leaving for workplaces that align with their personal belief system and show an authentic concern for individual employee wellbeing. People want a good job and a life well-lived’.  (Gallup, 2021).

Numerous leaders and their workforces, have been left feeling exhausted or languishing, neither unwell or well. Gallup recently reported record levels of stress and misery within global workforces. This is as a result of navigating the pandemic, economic downturns, changes in work environment, war/conflict, etc. A McKinsey study showed that over half UK-based employees are rethinking the type of work they do. This means employers are finding themselves in ‘the position of having to fight to retain employees, let alone hire the best new talent’. Outcomes from the Deloitte & Workplace Intelligence survey, conducted across UK, USA, Canada, and Australia, (2022) revealed:

  • Executives are significantly overestimating how well their employees are doing and how supported they feel by their leaders
  • ‘Health-savvy executives….should consider relying on other leaders and health experts to help chart a new path forward for well-being at work.

Other research illustrates:

  • Post-pandemic research reveals 3 in 5 people feel disengaged at work
  • This disconnect costs the UK 340bn per year (one fifth of each employee annual salary).

While some companies have acknowledged and responded to the wellbeing needs of its employees, there are still many yet to do so. Around 700 organisations have signed the Mental Health at Work Commitment (2022), which is  promising indeed, though there is still some way to go.  Even where wellbeing support is provided, numerous leaders and decision makers have not benefitted from the same level of support they offer to their employees, forgetting their own care. 


The Impact of Investment in Employee Wellbeing

There are numerous employee wellbeing initiatives that can boost employee contentment , improve workplace relationships, enhance engagement and performance. For every £1 invested in employee mental health, the return on investment is £5.35. Wellbeing workshops are one such initiative. They should ideally be delivered regularly over time to meet the ongoing employee wellness needs and have numerous benefits.

CIPD states:

‘Investing in employee wellbeing can lead to increased resilience, better employee engagement, reduced sickness absence and higher performance and productivity. However, wellbeing initiatives often fall short of their potential because they stand alone, isolated from the everyday business. To gain real benefit, employee wellbeing priorities must be integrated throughout an organisation, embedded in its culture, leadership, and people management’.

I aim to help companies to successfully tackle employee mental health and wellbeing. To achieve this, we design and deliver bespoke employee wellbeing workshops that are tailored for executive, managerial, and wider workforce levels of organisations.

We support organisations open to building human centric, conscious work environments. In fact, wellbeing workshops are a great way for an organisation to  communicate that cares it about its employees wellbeing.  In addition to providing workshops across top, middle and front-line staff tiers of the organisation, I also provide integrated executive coaching (sometimes called therapeutic coaching) aftercare for leaders to further embed concepts learned in the workshops.

There are several noted benefits of  workplace wellbeing workshops, which include:

  • Improved mental health & wellbeing
  • Boosted performance & productivity 
  • Better employee engagement and belonging
  • Reduced absenteeism and presenteeism
  • Greater staff retention 
  • Enhanced morale
  • Reduced stress

The workshops I offer are are based on the transformational model, which enables participants to gain awareness of self and others, transform their worldview, and  ignite creativity and change. Examples of workshops that I deliver are listed below. 

  • Introduction to Workplace Mental Health & Wellbeing
  • Stress and Burnout Prevention & Recovery
  • Gaining Freedom From Overthinking

What Are The Next Steps?

If your company is interested in employee mental health and wellbeing, I’d be happy to help. It’s our usual process to talk with you and learn more about you organisation’s needs, and subsequently produce tailored and effective online mental health workshops to help your workforce to flourish.

If you’d like to book a free no-obligation discovery call, or enquire about how our workshops might help your organisation, please email me, Belinda Joseph-Pirame at