Integrated Executive Coaching, Psychotherapy & Consultancy for the Private Healthcare Sector
Therapy Unlimited - Professional, Effective and Confidential Psychotherapy in London & the UK


Trauma is an emotional, psychological and physiological response to high levels of stress and fear that occur as a result of a distressing life event, such as a threat to life (real or perceived), natural disaster, rape, abuse, or an accident, etc. Trauma can be acute (resulting from a single event), chronic (where trauma is repeated and persistent) or, complex (where trauma is from multiple and varied, often invasive and interpersonal, traumatic events). What can happen after a traumatic event…

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Therapy Unlimited - Professional, Effective and Confidential Psychotherapy in London & the UK


Some level of stress in life is natural and is even thought to have a positive effect at times, allowing us to develop and grow. However high levels or prolonged stress can feel overwhelming and can have a detrimental effect on physical, emotional and psychological health. The causes of stress are very personal and varied and what one person may find challenging, another may not. Causes of stress can include bereavement, divorce/separation, moving home, money problems, having a baby, relationship issues, work etc.…

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Therapy Unlimited - Professional, Effective and Confidential Psychotherapy in London & the UK

Helpful Links

We aim to help as many clients as we can, however, unfortunately clients require different support to what can offer. If you need additional, or specialist support, here are some resources below.   Name Description Coronavirus support? Contact Details AA For problem drinking Virtual/online meetings available for problem drinking during Covid19 ABA Help for Anorexia/Bulimia Virtual/online meetings available for problem eating during Covid19 Albert Kennedy Trust Supports LGBTQ people aged 16-25 who are homeless or living in a…

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Therapy Unlimited - Professional, Effective and Confidential Psychotherapy in London & the UK

Relationship Problems

Relationship problems Social psychology research reveals that leaders wh prioritize employee relationships and lead with kindness and positivity, simply do better. 'The most effective leaders of all (as measured by their success rates and the success of their organizations) are values-driven, transparent, compassionate, humane, and recognize employees as unique individuals. As a result, their employees perform better, too: They are more engaged, less likely to turn over, more loyal, and more productive. Companies that are run by these types of leaders…

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Therapy Unlimited - Professional, Effective and Confidential Psychotherapy in London & the UK

Bereavement and Loss

Bereavement and Loss If you've experienced the loss of someone (or something) you may be going through a range of painful and difficult feelings including numbness and shock, anger, relief, guilt, sadness, depression or despair. However, there is no right or wrong way to grieve and each person responds differently to bereavement. What really matters most is what is happening for you personally. Bereavement counselling can help you to feel less isolated and give you space to express and better…

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Therapy Unlimited - Professional, Effective and Confidential Psychotherapy in London & the UK


Anger is a ‘normal’ healthy emotion that we all experience from time to time. It’s a feeling that we might experience particularly if we feel e.g. violated, hurt, rejected, belittled, attacked or frustrated by a person/people or situation. Anger can be useful in helping us identify if someone or something doesn’t feel okay, giving us a chance to care for ourselves, create change, keep ourselves safe, or ask for our needs to be met. There are certain circumstances where it will…

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Therapy Unlimited - Professional, Effective and Confidential Psychotherapy in London & the UK


Depression is a serious condition that affects mood. Most people feel low from time-to-time, however, 1 in 4 people currently experience in the UK. It affects people in several ways, impacting thoughts, feelings and relationships with others. Thankfully, it is very treatable, and therapy can be successful in helping people through. Depressive symptoms can be mild, whereas feeling low or depressed can be a natural reaction to challenging or adverse life events. If you are experiencing depression, it may also be…

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Therapy Unlimited - Professional, Effective and Confidential Psychotherapy in London & the UK

What is Anxiety?

What is Anxiety Although often unpleasant, it is natural to feel some anxiety from time to time. Anxiety is a feeling of discomfort or worry, varying in severity, that is ultimately our body’s natural response to stress. These anxious feelings usually pass quite quickly, however, if the feeling is overwhelming or persistent, it can feel challenging to function fully in day-to-day life. At its worst, you may even experience panic, where you feel fearful, overwhelmed and out-of-control. What’s the Impact of Anxiety? It…

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