Integrated Executive Coaching, Psychotherapy & Consultancy

Post Lockdown Anxiety

When our article ‘Surviving Lockdown’ was published in December 2020, we did not anticipate that we would still be in lockdown well into 2021.

As we are looking forward to the day when all restrictions will be lifted, and we rejoice at the thought of some kind of normality returning to our lives, surveys are emerging revealing the impact lockdown is having on our mental health.

Post lockdown anxiety is a real issue and people have been affected in different ways, with women particularly suffering as shown in this article from People Management magazine.

In the article Julianne Miles MBE, CEO of Women Returners, said that women who had taken career breaks due to the pandemic would “swell the ranks of talented returners who face major hurdles when they want to resume their careers”.

Workplace therapy should be considered by employers to support this talented pool in their return back to work.

As well as facing a lack of confidence after so many months away from the workplace, doing the simple things we used to take for granted, such as getting dressed for work or an event, travelling on public transport, or meeting friends at the pub, can become daunting after a long period of isolation.

The post lockdown survey conducted by Anxiety UK reveals that people are affected in different ways. It is not surprising that after these unprecedented circumstances, many people are dealing with mixed emotions and suffering from post lockdown anxiety, on the one hand wanting to get back to life as they knew it as quickly as possible, on the other hand being hit by bouts of fear and anxiety as they feel the pressure to socialise again and go back to work.

It is more important than ever that people look after their mental health in the same way that they look after their physical fitness. Here are some suggestions to take care of your mental wellbeing and relieve stress and anxiety:

  •  Take your time and do not feel rushed into situations that are not comfortable for you and likely to increase your stress level – employers have a duty of care and should discuss any reservations their teams may have about the safety of the post-pandemic workplace
  • Make sure to connect with those you love and care about, especially if you have been unable to be close to them during lockdown
  • Connect with nature – it was the theme of the recent Mental Health Awareness Week as nature is such a powerful healer and energiser
  • Take some exercise each day – even a gentle walk will be beneficial
  • Stay positive – watch, listen to, or do something which makes you laugh
  • Talk and share what’s troubling you with someone you trust
  • You may want to try something new such as meditation which has many benefits, helping with anxiety and reducing stress.

If these do not work and you feel overwhelmed and unable to cope, you may wish to consider therapy.

Individual therapy is where the sessions are attended by you in a one-to-one with your therapist. They usually take place face-to-face, but can also happen via telephone, or Zoom call. Sessions occur on a weekly basis and last for 50 minutes.

It’s important to select a therapist that suits your style and personality and who is registered with a reputable professional body such as UKCP (UK Council for Psychotherapy) or BACP (British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy) – our therapists belong to both.

A therapist will not give you advice or solve your problems for you, but will listen to the issues you are bringing, with the aim to help you gain insights and overcome any barriers to overcoming post lockdown anxiety and leading a positive life.

We are here to help. Do not hesitate to get in touch. Click here to book an appointment, or, call us on 07714 028837.