Integrated Executive Coaching and Psychotherapy
Therapy Unlimited - Professional, Effective and Confidential Psychotherapy in London & the UK

Bereavement and Loss

Bereavement and Loss Bereavement and Loss

If you’ve experienced the loss of someone (or something) you may be going through a range of painful and difficult feelings including numbness and shock, anger, relief, guilt, sadness, depression or despair.

However, there is no right or wrong way to grieve and each person responds differently to bereavement.

What really matters most is what is happening for you personally. Bereavement counselling can help you to feel less isolated and give you space to express and better understand how you’re feeling.

It can also help you to adjust to the change, all with a view to helping you to heal and recover, however you feel about the loss. The grieving process is vital, as if left unprocessed bereavements may potentially leave us with lasting emotional difficulties.

Equally, feelings of loss can arise from a number of  life events, from loss of a job or divorce/separation, to the end of a significant relationship.

If you’ve suffered a bereavement or loss, and would like to take some time and space to talk, please call to make an enquiry or book an appointment on 0203 488 5396.

Belinda Joseph-Pirame